Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's class

Thimistles is an example of the effect if the demorcracy. His opinion is autrhority was blunt and straight foward. He was one of history's greates leaders. Trireme were the state of the art ancient ship builders. The athenians wanted to divide sliver among themselves. Thimstlicles said thatthe money should be used to The great persain king died in 486 b c and xerxes then took the throne. xexes then began to gather his forces. It was the greatest force the world had ever seen. The persian army had set out for greece. They sent a message to the article to find out their faith. Oracles can see into the future. The most famous if the greek orcale was the delphi. The athenians were doomed.  The wooden baracde was going to be the key to their sucess. They ordered evacution for athens. Salamis is where they gathered.  He wants to defeat the persians at sea. The persian relazied the true nature of his plan. Dealian League had become athens empire. Themicales was ostricized.

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