Friday, March 11, 2011

An empire special

The greeks the people glorious and arragant. The greeks achived many things by war . Perciles is a politcian who was a genius,one of the indivuals  who were part of greek intelligence. 508 b.c. in a town called athens, were at war. Cliteines was broguht up from birth to be a ruler. Clitiens would see that these ordinary people should have freedom. From his earliest says he was taught he was an aristrcat.  Articats controlled evrything that happened in Athens.Life was extremely tough. Athens was turned against itself. The whole country was in the hands of a  few people. The great civilaztions they grew up around. Mainland greece had no great plane or great rivers. The corinathoins dominated greek trade.  Spartians were brought up from birth to be soliders. Spartians were brought up to fight anything. Death was as nothing to eating there food. If there was one thing that expired clitines  of the greeks it was their stories. The odssey was a famous story. The more heads you knocked the mpre women you got. He wanted to become a real life hero. Athena was a ptriot of athens. Greece is bounded on the east by the persian emipre. On the west the truscans and the romans. Greeks were scattered. The most astonishing conequest was to be found in the darkest street of the city. Athens forst great legacy the vase. If you were a potter you werent anything special, people werent jelous of you. For the first time in history Athenians tasted freedom. Like with him was now dangerous.Olympians were a chance for any Greeks to display their quailty. Seize power whenever and however you can. The rule was get whateve ryou can and fight you have to show them, that you can win.. The spartians were the most feared. Clitiens was back from exile and was supoosed to build a goverment.

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