Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today Class

Today in Class,
The greece  people had the greatest armies, their achviemtns shaped the world.  508 b.c. in a town called Athen pandemonium ruled the streets ordinary people turned on their rulers. Cleisthenes was a leader he wanted ordinary people to govern themselves. Arsticrot.   Acroploils it is the out cropping of rock that stood out agaisnt everybody, you could see you enimeies coming. For athenians reading and writing was a rare skill. The common athenians lived under the rule of the arsticrats. The whole country was in the hands of a few people. The ordanry people had no part nor no share of anything. Greece seemed like an unlikely land to rise to greatness. City-States. The greek were able to trace their history back to the trojan war. Sparta was a huge military state. They relazied why they wanted to die. There stories inspired him. The Illiad and oddessey was his two favorite. Tryant

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