Thursday, March 24, 2011


Yesterday we took a test, it was hard but i did well.  It covered early greeek civiliaztion. Im glad i studies because if i didnt i would have bombed it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today Class

In todays class we learned that the athenians were now looking for a new found leader. Pr. was the leader he wanted to glorify athens, he had been born into one of athens elite family. The athens wanted a city fit to rule an empire. Parcliques annouced a glorous new inspiration. He wanted athens to be the best city ever. He proposed a massive construction plan, a parathenon. In its time it is the most beautiful building ever been built. It was used to glorify athens, it was contributed to athena. It was extroidnaryly expensive. It required 20 thousand tons of marble. Parilques was dierctly involved in the process. This building is the most glorious symbol of Athens. Frieze. The world's first democracy. H4e asociated with the leading minds. Aspasia was parliques affair. Paliques treated her as an equal and he had her particiapte in some very important conversations.  The shadow of the acrpilolis was the worlds first theater. The greeks inventd drama.  Oedious was the story of a guy who married his mother. Parliques began to plan a new adventure he wanted to make Athens the leader of the mediterran. Huvris-arrogance and pride. He present to the athenian his most daring men. He convinced the athenians to adandon all of the land in the front of athen.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Today's class

Thimistles is an example of the effect if the demorcracy. His opinion is autrhority was blunt and straight foward. He was one of history's greates leaders. Trireme were the state of the art ancient ship builders. The athenians wanted to divide sliver among themselves. Thimstlicles said thatthe money should be used to The great persain king died in 486 b c and xerxes then took the throne. xexes then began to gather his forces. It was the greatest force the world had ever seen. The persian army had set out for greece. They sent a message to the article to find out their faith. Oracles can see into the future. The most famous if the greek orcale was the delphi. The athenians were doomed.  The wooden baracde was going to be the key to their sucess. They ordered evacution for athens. Salamis is where they gathered.  He wants to defeat the persians at sea. The persian relazied the true nature of his plan. Dealian League had become athens empire. Themicales was ostricized.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Todays class

Igrais raqided athens with the spartians he wanted to rule it. The ordnary people of athens took their destiney in to their own hand. For two days and night isgrus held out untill hinally third day he was forced to surrender. The first tim ein human history regular people rose up out of threir regular leaders and fault back. The year was 508 bc this is the first step to athens glory. On the athenian hillside they had a acrpolis which hwas a huge rock. Clithenes institued a simle vote. A system of goverment which is no know as democracy. The world first democracy will now be tested in war. Phdippedes was special. Evry male citzen will have to come to the defense of his state. Hoplites was a solider. Thinesstiles

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today Class

Today in Class,
The greece  people had the greatest armies, their achviemtns shaped the world.  508 b.c. in a town called Athen pandemonium ruled the streets ordinary people turned on their rulers. Cleisthenes was a leader he wanted ordinary people to govern themselves. Arsticrot.   Acroploils it is the out cropping of rock that stood out agaisnt everybody, you could see you enimeies coming. For athenians reading and writing was a rare skill. The common athenians lived under the rule of the arsticrats. The whole country was in the hands of a few people. The ordanry people had no part nor no share of anything. Greece seemed like an unlikely land to rise to greatness. City-States. The greek were able to trace their history back to the trojan war. Sparta was a huge military state. They relazied why they wanted to die. There stories inspired him. The Illiad and oddessey was his two favorite. Tryant

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Greece has a peenisula.  It's location shaped the culture it also has skilled sailors, poor natural rescources. Approx. 20 % suitable for farming. Because of the way things grow theire greek diet has grains. grapes, olives. Mycenans is loacated on a rocky ridge and pretected by a 20 ft. thick wall. The Mycenaean kings dominated Greece. they controlled trade in the region 
1400 B.C Mycenaeans invaded Crete and absoed Minoan culture and lang.  In 1200 the dorians moved into the war torn region. Only stories were kept and passes on by the word of the mouth. Arete you do things as well as you could possibily do them. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

An empire special

The greeks the people glorious and arragant. The greeks achived many things by war . Perciles is a politcian who was a genius,one of the indivuals  who were part of greek intelligence. 508 b.c. in a town called athens, were at war. Cliteines was broguht up from birth to be a ruler. Clitiens would see that these ordinary people should have freedom. From his earliest says he was taught he was an aristrcat.  Articats controlled evrything that happened in Athens.Life was extremely tough. Athens was turned against itself. The whole country was in the hands of a  few people. The great civilaztions they grew up around. Mainland greece had no great plane or great rivers. The corinathoins dominated greek trade.  Spartians were brought up from birth to be soliders. Spartians were brought up to fight anything. Death was as nothing to eating there food. If there was one thing that expired clitines  of the greeks it was their stories. The odssey was a famous story. The more heads you knocked the mpre women you got. He wanted to become a real life hero. Athena was a ptriot of athens. Greece is bounded on the east by the persian emipre. On the west the truscans and the romans. Greeks were scattered. The most astonishing conequest was to be found in the darkest street of the city. Athens forst great legacy the vase. If you were a potter you werent anything special, people werent jelous of you. For the first time in history Athenians tasted freedom. Like with him was now dangerous.Olympians were a chance for any Greeks to display their quailty. Seize power whenever and however you can. The rule was get whateve ryou can and fight you have to show them, that you can win.. The spartians were the most feared. Clitiens was back from exile and was supoosed to build a goverment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Todays class

Today class Mr.schick read us a story about greece and the marathon. This is the first persian invasion on greece. The athens and etria were fighting against perisans rules, they didn't like it. The captured Sadis and burned it down but they had to retreat becauseo fthe persians forces. The marathon is a symbol where a mark in history was

Monday, March 7, 2011


Egpyt is very important, even though part of their land it arable about 3 % they produce very rich crops. The geogrpahy is good . Egypt is place where it has rich history, and prymaids that hold ancient leaders and their treasures. The most famous prymaid has the body of a tiger and head of a human. The last leaders did no good for the country.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Egypt has a lot of tourism.  It has oil...natural gas etc. Agriculture is not very good they have about 3% arable land. The dam controls the nile river from flooding.  In egypt there are about 79 million people! There offical lang. is arabic main religion is muslim. Mubarak (the recent leader) embezzled about 5 billion dollars from the goverment and other egypitans .....