Thursday, May 5, 2011


  • Latins came first. 
  • Etrsucans had an alaphabet great architexture they worte thigns down 
  • they stelled in tiber river in the middle of the penisula 
  • rome was located there 
  • tarquin was run out of town 
  • they decided at that point they were never going to have one person who was in charge 
  • consul was the highest elected office of the roman repulic 
  • a repulic isa goverment which the people decide what happens 
  • democracy is where all citzens have a equal right
  • a monarachy is a form of goverment which all plotical powers is passed down to an indivual 
  • tyranny is a abusive power
  • the ounic wars were fought between rme and carathge 
  • carathage is in africa 
  • julius caeser tarted to rise in 60 B.C
  • after his campaign he decided to stay in Gaul with his army untill he would be chosen as the new consul 
  • crassus was an influential roman politican 
  •  crassus pomepy and juluis was the trimavte 
  • he was said to be stabbed 23 times 
  • octavian was the adopted son of juluis caeser 
  • they got revenge on the people whi liiked julius caeser 

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