Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Emily Kennedy :  100

  • Aristole gave alexander a lesson 
  • he declared war on persia 
  • then he traveled southward he defeated king daruis III
  • he spent a year organizing all of his invasion s
  • he died 32 of ae from fever 
  • after he died his empire was divided into four kingdoms 
  • he is known for leadership strength perserverance and greatness 
More notes: 
    doric is plain 
    crinnthian is fancy 
    ionic is in between
    What was the date when people revolted against there leaders: 508 b.c.
    Sercadic Method 
    Plato was socrates student 
    he accpeted the world as a mere shadow of the real world ideas and only wise men who understood nature and reality were fit to run the country 
    he tauht that happiness is the goal to lif
    they took theyre entetainment very seriously
    men played women 

    1 comment:

    1. Please email me a copy of your Math/Science in Greece report. It will refresh my memory as I grade it.

