Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A.) Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and which in citzens have the right to vote and choose their leaders
B.) Gravitas- a virtue that is weightniess or seriousness
C.) Pater- the eldest man in  the family that is ruled by rome
D.) Toga- uncomfartable garment, worn in greece, easy to make
E.) Patrician- priveligaed families whose ancestors found rome
F.) Plebeians- common farmers, artisans, merchants
1.) The geogrpahy helped Rome because is was a central point, it was a tradding point
2.) The latins were important because latin shepreds were a settlement there. The greeks were important because they established 50 colinies and brought Rome with closer contact to greece. Etruscans were important because they were more civil, they had a writing system, and great cultral influence.
3.) They honrored strength more than beauty, power more than grace and they valued family ties.
4.) The roman household had one important family the pater familied that ruled. Women had the right to own pproperty she had the right to testify in court but not the right to vote.
5.)The army is linked to the roman society because they drove people out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Emily Kennedy :  100

  • Aristole gave alexander a lesson 
  • he declared war on persia 
  • then he traveled southward he defeated king daruis III
  • he spent a year organizing all of his invasion s
  • he died 32 of ae from fever 
  • after he died his empire was divided into four kingdoms 
  • he is known for leadership strength perserverance and greatness 
More notes: 
    doric is plain 
    crinnthian is fancy 
    ionic is in between
    What was the date when people revolted against there leaders: 508 b.c.
    Sercadic Method 
    Plato was socrates student 
    he accpeted the world as a mere shadow of the real world ideas and only wise men who understood nature and reality were fit to run the country 
    he tauht that happiness is the goal to lif
    they took theyre entetainment very seriously
    men played women 

    Friday, April 15, 2011

    Alexander contd.

    Alexander was a great man, who was also a great leader. He lead people to greatness and freedom. He beat the persians. This is the nastiest movie I have ever seen. And as we speak  I feel like I'm going to puke. He marrys a Persians.  The battle of hydapus, buchephlous dies. I advise you not show this again

    Thursday, April 14, 2011


    Alexander horse was names Buechelpus. Phillip the second was his father. Aristole is Alexander's tutor. There a terrible relatoinship between his mother and father. he was appretly desended from the god achillies. When his father was murdered alexander took over. Gaugamela was a very important battle.  This battle was also very disgusting. And my stomach couldn't handle it.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2011

    I wasnt here .


    Friday, April 8, 2011

    Colleen: 95
    What were the community of philopshers called?
    Why was Antisthenses the  most important athenian Philopsher?
    What was the alagory of the cave?  

    Emily Stasuk: 93 
    Did not coming from a wealthy background affect how he was today?
    Why did the questions anger the people?
    Why first with the young followers? 
    Was there anyone who thought he was right? 
    What were the religious issues?

    Rachel Weskalnies: 98 
    What was most intersting about this topic? 
    Why was the parathenon torn down? 

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011


    What were the writing styles homer used?
    How did homer write down if he was blind?
    Did you like this topic?