Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today in West civ we went over a mini quiz thing we took in class. We talked about the fall offf the roman empire. And how it was split into east and West and how the west was lost to barabians and the east became the byzantime empire. The East was more rich and powerful then the west, the west contained the poor and was easier to sack because it didn't have a big wall. Eeveryone was scared of the huns., they were fearless and nasty.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today in class we reviewed each to others Papers. I reviewed Emily Stasuks, her paper was pretty good filled with facts and creativity. Her paper discussed the differences between the roman empire and the roman republic. She talked about Claduis and Clawigua and TIberus. She discussed how tiberus was a bad ruler and how Caudias was a good ruler but dissabled and how Calwiga was crazy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

West civ

In class , we went over the tests. I learned that I need to study more. Way more. Ancient Greek was very complex and intersting thing to learn about. Greece has so acrichture advances form the doric to the etrsucans. The collums corninithans i think was way prettier and more complex.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


  • Latins came first. 
  • Etrsucans had an alaphabet great architexture they worte thigns down 
  • they stelled in tiber river in the middle of the penisula 
  • rome was located there 
  • tarquin was run out of town 
  • they decided at that point they were never going to have one person who was in charge 
  • consul was the highest elected office of the roman repulic 
  • a repulic isa goverment which the people decide what happens 
  • democracy is where all citzens have a equal right
  • a monarachy is a form of goverment which all plotical powers is passed down to an indivual 
  • tyranny is a abusive power
  • the ounic wars were fought between rme and carathge 
  • carathage is in africa 
  • julius caeser tarted to rise in 60 B.C
  • after his campaign he decided to stay in Gaul with his army untill he would be chosen as the new consul 
  • crassus was an influential roman politican 
  •  crassus pomepy and juluis was the trimavte 
  • he was said to be stabbed 23 times 
  • octavian was the adopted son of juluis caeser 
  • they got revenge on the people whi liiked julius caeser 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pictures (5 more)

brutus and senate



Pax Romana



Tiber River

Roman Legion

Hannibal riding an elephant

juluis caeser

juluis caser gaul

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A.) Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and which in citzens have the right to vote and choose their leaders
B.) Gravitas- a virtue that is weightniess or seriousness
C.) Pater- the eldest man in  the family that is ruled by rome
D.) Toga- uncomfartable garment, worn in greece, easy to make
E.) Patrician- priveligaed families whose ancestors found rome
F.) Plebeians- common farmers, artisans, merchants
1.) The geogrpahy helped Rome because is was a central point, it was a tradding point
2.) The latins were important because latin shepreds were a settlement there. The greeks were important because they established 50 colinies and brought Rome with closer contact to greece. Etruscans were important because they were more civil, they had a writing system, and great cultral influence.
3.) They honrored strength more than beauty, power more than grace and they valued family ties.
4.) The roman household had one important family the pater familied that ruled. Women had the right to own pproperty she had the right to testify in court but not the right to vote.
5.)The army is linked to the roman society because they drove people out.