Thursday, February 24, 2011


Do you think the next president of egypt will be well picked?
How do feel when your at a protest?
What made you want to be apart of this?
Do you think the police is well educated ?
What does your family feel about this?
Whats your opinian about how everthing is impacting egypt?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby your a pharohhh

Do you ever feel like an epypitan
walking through the sand
wanting to start to again?

Do you ever feel so
nausted, seeing the nose pulled brain pulled the mummies nose

DO you ever feel buried like a dead egpytian, you
6 feet under with all the gold, but no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there still some sand in you
there a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light of the prymaids
and let it shine
Make it go Oh Oh Oh
as they shoot across the sky sky sky

Baby your a Pharoohh
C'mon let the power burst!
Make it go Oh Oh
Your gona leave em going ah ah ah

the parrohs are orginal they will not be replaced
Baby your a pahorohhh let your power burst
make it go ah ah
as you see it across the world world world

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gods And Godesses

Gods and Godesses had a rule over people. They were the kings whatever the people thought they wanted they did. The gods and godesses took a part of creation some brought floods every year., some even offered protection. Some gods were minor gods not the major ones, they were somewhat a god of the town . They beleived you had to reckonzie these gods to have a smooth life. `The god of the sky name is nut. His apperance is blue with gloden stars.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

essay C

Diamond's theory of geographic luck was a good theory. It involves location and what happened while people were at that place. Diamond describes many things to answer that one guy's question but it all tied up to this theory called Geograpahic luck.
     He said that Paupa New Guinea was far behind because they were not blessed like some places like the fertile cresecnt. The fertile cresent had wheat, barely, and tarrow root. They also had domesticated animals. The food their was highly nutrious which helped them grow in farming. While Paupa New guinea only had one domesticated animal, sago, bananas, and other food that was high in sugar and fat and not high in protein. The fertile cresecnt had it all while New Guinea had very little. Thats why they are kind of far and behind the 21 century. 
Jared Diamond theory helped answer the question to that guy. It wasn't Paupa's fault that they had so little, white men aren't better then they are we're all the same they just got bad geogrpahic luck and they couldn't do very much about it. Paupa New Guinea is slowly catcthing up with the 21 century. Who knows maybe next time they'll be the most advanced country in the world...and we'll all be bowing down at their feet. Maybe...

essay C

Diamond's theory of geographic luck was a good theory. It involves location and what happened while people were at that place. Diamond describes many things to answer that one guy's question but it all tied up to this Geograpahic luck. 
     He said that Paupa New Guinea was far behind because they were not blessed like some places like the fertile cresecnt. The fertile cresent had wheat, barely, and tarrow root. They also had domesticated animals. The food their was highly nutrious which helped them grow in farming. While Paupa New guinea only had one domesticated animal, sago, bananas, and other food that was high in sugar and fat and not high in protein. The fertile cresecnt had it all while New Guinea had very little. Thats why they are kind of far and behind the 21 century. 
Jared Diamond theory helped answer the question to that guy. It wasn't Paupa's fault that they had so little, white men aren't better then they are we're all the same they just got bad geogrpahic luck and they couldn't do very much about it. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today's class ..Paupa New guinea

Today we went over powerpoints. The population is about 6 million people and 12 percent of it is urban. They export to Austrialia and Japan. GDP growth rate is 6.2 percent.  They export gold,oil,coppers,sliver,logs,palmoil,coffee,cocoa,crayfish,and prawns. They import machineray, food, chemicals, oil. and technlogy. Paupa New guinea minds. They have around 860 native languages!  They don't have much communications but have 900,000 celllphones users. Many people don't live in citites. They use puddle jumpers to get to other places on the island....! Jared Diamond was a ucla professor he's an anthropoligist.  Cargo is possions.."stuff."  Domesticated animals...manual

Monday, February 7, 2011


On friday we learned about how the western civilation got started and how the papnegueinans fell back behind. The were behind in the technology we saw how people first stared farming in the best and how the learned to domesticate animanls. The domesticated 14 animals the goat was the best out of the all and was the first one used. The started then figuring out they could use animals for clothing and food and as workers. This was a new discorerey for everyone

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today in class we learned about the answer to the question in the video. Diomand honestly didn't know the answer to why you have such better cargo then he decided to research this question and he came up with a answer.  It all about geogrpahic location. The middle east were the first farmers and as you can see they moved ahead papaneguenna did not.  It about  timing and place